Member Services : the library

WAFFS runs a library for members. To borrow any item, just attend a meeting, and select what you need!  


A Practical Guide to Ferret Care by Deborah Jeans (1994 - 2 copies)  

Ferrets for Dummies by Kim Schilling (2000 - 2 copies)  

The Fairfax Ferret by Pamela Troutman Grant (1996)  

Ferrets Dr Wendy Winsted (1989 - 2 copies one earlier edition)  

Ferreting by Fred J Taylor (1988 - Revised and Enlarged Edition)  

Ferret: A guide to a Happy Health Pet by Mary R Shefferman (1996 - 2 copies)  

Alternative Pets: from Budgies And Yabbies to Rabbits & Rats by Robin Stewart (2002)  

The Ferret Chronicles: Rescue Ferrets at Sea by Richard Bach (2002)  

The Ferret Chronicles: Air Ferrets Aloft by Richard Bach (2002)  

The Ferret Chronicles: Chasing the Muse by Richard Bach (2002)  


Ferret Feature - 1999
Assorted media coverage featuring Ferrets  

Newsletters / Brochures  

Ferret around Brisbane tourism pamphlet - October 2003  

Ferreting Around (WAFFS) Jan/Feb 1993 – Jan/Feb 2000  

WAFFS Newsletter April 1988 – Nov/Dec 1992 (old format)  

ANZ Rabbit Calicivirus Disease Program (leaflet) Oct 1995  

Ferret Tails (Newsletter of the Mid-Atlantic Ferret Assn.) Sept/Oct 1991 Jul/Aug 1992  

New South Wales Ferret Assn Inc. Sept 1993 – Jan/Feb 2001  

Ferret Business (Central Illinois Friends of Ferrets) Feb 1989 – May/June 1992  

National ferret Welfare Society (NFWA) Automn 1983 – Feb 1991 (Incomplete)  

The American Ferret Report (The American Ferret Assn Inc) Nov/Dec 1992 – Mar/Apr 1994  

The F.A.I.R. Report (assorted leaflets & flyers) 1994  

South Australia Ferret News March 1997 – May 2002 (not complete)  

Guide to Keeping Ferrets (SAFA) Geoff Smith 1991  

Lake Illawarra Ferret Association Feb 1994 – May 1994  

Victorian Ferret Society March 1998 – Nov 1998  

Ferrets about Town Aug 1994 – 1995 (incomplete)  

The Business of Ferrets June 1993 – June 1994  

STAR Fetters Winter 1995 – Winter 1996  

Ferrets (copy of a book for those who wish to use their ferrets for hunting rabbits)  

Stitchting De Fret (Foreign Language Poss German/Swiss)  

Assorted Ferret Articles from local papers.  

Top 10 List of Human Misconceptions about Ferrets  

Animals: The International Wildlife Magazine May 1971