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Fiction Books
Farley & Breezy - Kath Adler |
Duck & Cover: Kath Adler |
Wild Waters: Kath Adler |
Rescue Ferrets at Sea |
Air Ferrets Aloft |
Writer ferrets: Chasing the Muse
Peach Fuzz: Lindsay Cibos & Jared Hodges |
The Great Ferret Race: Paul Collins |
The Fairfax Ferret: Pamela Troutman Grant |
Nothing to Fear but Ferrets: Linda O. Johnston |
Thunder Oak: Garry Kilworth |
Castle Storm: Garry Kilworth |
Windjammer Run: Gary Kilworth |
The Golden Compass: Pan & the Prisoner of Bolvangar |
Alternative Pets: Robin Stewart |
Ferret around Brisbane: Brisbane City Council
Your First ferret: Colin Jeal
Understanding Pets. Feelings & Community Roles: Dr Teoh Hsien-Jin
Your First ferret: Adelle Porch
Guide to Keeping Ferrets: Geoff Smith
Simple First Aid: St John Ambulance
The Domestic Ferret Veterinary handbook: STAR
ACEL Information: Just great ferret pictures
Stichting De Fret: Sylvia Opentif
FURO Rule Book 1992-1993: The Ferret Unity & Registration Org., Inc
Ferret feature 25/6/99: Channel 10
2003 International ferret Symposium, Atlanta GA
Modern Ferret: No. 7
Ferrets: July/August 2005
New Scientist: Did Someone Say Sec on a Peach
English Woman’s Weekly: Political Pawns. Black Footed ferrets
That’s Life: A Jealous Ferret Ran me Down
New Idea: Speed Demons
Animals May 1971: Stoats and Weasels are not Vermin
Pet Lifestyle: Autumn 2008
Ferreting Around: April 1998 (No. 23) - Jan 2009 (No.145)
Top Ten Misconceptions about Ferrets.
Prairie Press Update re Black Footed Ferret.
American Ferret Report: 1992, 1993, 1995 (10 in all)
The Welfare of Ferrets (NSW): 1993, 1996 - 2001, 2007, 2008 (31 in all)
Victorian Ferret Society: 1998 (4 in all)
Ferrets About Town (NSW): 1994 - 1995 (3 copies in all)
The Business of Ferrets (Victoria): 1993 - 1994, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008
South Australia Ferret News: 1993 - 1998, 2000 - 2002, 2004 - 2008
Ferret Business: Illinois 1989 - 1992 (15 in all)
National Ferret welfare Society: U.K. 1983 -1991 (11 in all)
Lake Illawarra Ferret Association: 1994 (2 x 2 copies in all)
Ferret Tails: Mid Atlantic Ferret Society 1991 - 1992 (4 in all)
The F.A.I.R Report: Westmont, Il. 1994 (4 copies in all)
STAR Ferrets: 1995 - 1996 (3 in all)
The FURO Ferret Show Standards and Rules: 1994 - 1995
The Weasel Help: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 (14 in all)
Animal protection Society: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008
Association Incorporation Act 1987 & Corporations Act (No. 2) 2003.